Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hair Rant: Amber

So i know it's been a while since I've made a beauty update but believe me it wasn't intentional, however i have a little something something for you guys.

As you know springing time is vastly approaching (thank God!) and if your anything like me you love to wear BIG, SEXY, FUN hair. Well look no further cause Amber's here.

Amber is a half wig by outre, she's full and curly, I will be buying again
she can be purchased at you local BBS or at Hairsisters.com

 After a few months, still looks good!

Long lasting, durable, sexy, versatile, and fun!

I will always love you

I know its been a few weeks since she's been laid to rest, but there's no way i can post another post without giving her my own personal tribute.

I can remember as a child singing into my barbie(microphone) welling horribly off key, trying to stretch my voice to hers.

From "I wanna dance with somebody" to "I look to you" she's inspired me to chase my dreams

I Love you Whitney.
My favorite Song

It all belongs to me

Last night while i was anticipating the newest episode of Basketball Wives i caught the world premier of Brandy's and Monica's music video to their new single "It all belongs to me".

Love the Tribute to Whitney
It's a decade and a half since their last single together the infamous "the boy is mine" and since the then the lovely ladies has grown to be beautiful women, staples in today's pop culture.

I must say, i love whoever styled thme for this video

Here's a look at the video